WARNING: If this app does not come from Google Play, then there is a higher likelihood of it being tampered with or infected. I wont be responsible for any loss of your personal data if you are downloading this preset from unreliable sources.
Please note this is not a standalone app. You must have KLWP Pro.
1) Unique sidebar design packed with Clock information, Calendar information, Battery, Current Data Connection and Toggles. Gradient changes according to battery percentage.
2) Music Player consist of rotating album art. It can be minimized to an icon.
3) Wifi / Mobile data information as well as operator information only a single click away.
4) Battery indicator icon which rotates and blinks when charging.
5) Rounded icons which pops up when device is unlocked.
6) Unread counts of call, sms and emails shown as badges above respective icons.
7) Rounded music progress bar around music player icon and track name toast when song changes.
PERINGATAN: Jika aplikasi ini tidak datang dari Google Play, maka ada kemungkinan yang lebih tinggi dari itu dirusak atau terinfeksi. Saya tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas hilangnya data pribadi Anda jika Anda men-download preset ini dari sumber tidak bisa diandalkan.
Harap dicatat ini bukan aplikasi mandiri. Anda harus memiliki KLWP Pro.
1) desain sidebar unik dikemas dengan informasi Jam, informasi Kalender, baterai, sekarang Sambungan Data dan Toggles. Perubahan gradien menurut persentase baterai.
2) Music Player terdiri dari berputar seni album. Hal ini dapat diminimalkan dengan ikon.
3) Wifi / Ponsel informasi data serta informasi operator hanya satu klik.
4) ikon indikator baterai yang berputar dan berkedip saat pengisian.
5) ikon Dibulatkan yang muncul saat perangkat terkunci.
6) jumlah Unread panggilan, sms dan email ditampilkan sebagai lencana di atas ikon masing-masing.
7) musik Rounded progress bar di sekitar ikon pemutar musik dan nama trek roti ketika perubahan lagu.
WARNING: If this app does not come from Google Play, then there is a higher likelihood of it being tampered with or infected. I wont be responsible for any loss of your personal data if you are downloading this preset from unreliable sources.
Please note this is not a standalone app. You must have KLWP Pro.
1) Unique sidebar design packed with Clock information, Calendar information, Battery, Current Data Connection and Toggles. Gradient changes according to battery percentage.
2) Music Player consist of rotating album art. It can be minimized to an icon.
3) Wifi / Mobile data information as well as operator information only a single click away.
4) Battery indicator icon which rotates and blinks when charging.
5) Rounded icons which pops up when device is unlocked.
6) Unread counts of call, sms and emails shown as badges above respective icons.
7) Rounded music progress bar around music player icon and track name toast when song changes.